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Your baby is changing and growing differently and crawling along furniture or maybe even reaching 12 months! Along with all this activity comes the skill and beginning of food preferences. These new developments can affect your child’s growth, especially her weight.

What does a child do who grows up to this age?

By the time of the first birthday cake, your child may be almost satisfied with his or her birth weight and grow about 10 inches (25 centimeters). However, physical growth slows during the second half of the first year.

Your child’s doctor will continue to monitor growth during well visits that are usually considered between 9 months and 1 year of age.

should i be interested?

Parents’ growing-up problems often center around eating habits. Is your skinny kid a picky eater? Are you worried that your child is not eating enough? Opportunities – that all is well. Most babies eat enough to satisfy their hunger, which in most cases is enough to give them the energy they need.

Your child’s weight, length and circle of the house were measured from birth and trained to chart the growth of your child’s doctor. It’s where you should start looking if you have any questions about how your child is responding. When you look at your child’s growth chart at the doctor, be sure to compare your child’s growth to her own growth pattern, not to the growth of other babies. Although your child’s growth is stable, there is probably no reason to worry.

If you really notice slowing growth or weight loss, consider these questions:

* Has your child been sick? A few days without eating, especially if combined with vomiting or diarrhea, can lead to weight loss that will be regained when you feel better.

* Is your child on the go? Crawling, traveling, and walking all burn a lot of calories, so the weight gain might not be that great with this new mobility.

* Is your child more interested in playing Pacifica or lowering the spoon on the floor than eating? World: a fascinating place and your child learns new things every day. Keep yourself entertained at least during meals and pay attention to signs that he or she has eaten enough.

* Enter the correct types of products? Since your child is getting better at eating, he can begin to pay more attention to the structure and diversity of the products he eats. If your child is not interested in baby food more as a representation of soft tabletop items and snacks that are safe and fun.

Although the growth rate actually slowed between 8 and 12 months, your child should follow his or her own growth chart. Talk to your child’s doctor if your child has any growth-related problems.

What about the total child?

Chubby may be the old-fashioned “ideal” child, but the child who gains weight rapidly is cause for concern. Heavy babies are more likely to be overweight later in life, so consider that a pattern of gluttony and inactivity has started.

Never give up on babies, but pay attention to your child’s signs that he is full. Also:

* Make sure your child’s calories come from nutritious sources, such as fruits, vegetables, and fortified cereals, rather than sweets and junk food.

* Make sure your child is not drinking high-calorie sodas or too much juice.

* Play games with your child to encourage physical activity by making sure they have a safe place to move.

* Limit the amount of time you spend on the automotive field bums and playground.

As a parent, one of the best things you can do for your child is to eat well and be physically active. Does your child have a better chance of growing if good health habits are part of the family’s lifestyle? Plus, he’ll be a good role model for your little one, but he’ll really enjoy the energy of life with your child (and the strength to chase after him).

If you are concerned that your baby is heavier than normal, ask your doctor for advice.

What’s next?

Isn’t it hard to believe a year has passed? In 12 short months, your baby has gone from a tiny baby to one you can rock in the crib with one hand and baby on the go. Between 12 and 24 months, your child will only grow about 4 inches (10.2 centimeters). I thought physical growth has slowed down, expect big

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