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Most guys fail miserably when it comes to knowing when to text. It works like this. You get a girl’s number, send her a couple of texts, she answers. You send a couple more, she replies. Finally, you call or text her suggesting you meet up, and you never hear from her again, or if you do, she’s a little standoffish.

Here is the same situation from your perspective. She meets a somewhat interesting guy. She gets a couple of texts, then a couple more, then a couple more. Suddenly she’s not so interesting anymore. But he’s good enough to be a “texting friend.” Suddenly, he invites her out of it. Hmm, she maybe she should back off and hope he gets the message.

So what is going on? By texting too much, trying to be witty, trying to charm her, etc., you’re really just coming off as needy and seeking approval. Do not misunderstand. Getting texts from a guy you’re already attracted to is great. It’s just that using text to build that initial attraction is hard. Attraction usually happens face-to-face, or at least over the phone. Difficult to do with words and sentences without sound.

But it can be done. And you’re about to learn now.

Keep in mind that this will not make him fall head over heels for you. But it will generate enough interest that she will be happy to meet you on that important first date and not leave you breathless.

You only need three texts, separated by a day each, give or take. Three short texts. This will strengthen her so that she will respond favorably when you ask her out. Please note that you may not respond to any of these text messages. You are not asking her permission to ask her out. You’re getting her interested in her, so when you DO ask her out, she says yes.

The first text should be brief and generate curiosity. Anything that makes her think. If you send a text that says “Hi! We met the other night! That was fun!” It may make her smile, but she’ll forget three seconds later.

But if you send something like this: “Oh my God! That thing SHE said the other night makes me think about what we talked about!” This will make her think. Whether she responds to you or not, she will be thinking of you. It’s okay. Don’t screw it up by sending her another thousand texts asking if she got your super smart text. Remember, you are generating her interest, not looking for open approval.

The next text message should make her think of the two of you together. But also make it mysterious, then she starts to think. Something like this: “I had the most AMAZING dream last night, and YOU were in it, I’m so embarrassed!” And leave things like that. Now you will be curious, but you will be curious about what the two of you were doing together.

The following text should be to turn it off in the future. Again, be vague and increase curiosity. Something like this is perfect: “Hey, I really want to do that thing we talked about…” This will point her towards the future. She will try to remember what you talked about and she will expect you to organize it.

Then just call her and ask her out. It is almost certain that she will say yes. As long as he didn’t give you a fake number to begin with, this method will give you a lot of success.

Try this and have fun.

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