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It’s a little bit of skin that’s causing a big fuss these days: Is circumcision a healthy act, or is it a brutal, old-fashioned ritual with no real merit? While there are several potential benefits of circumcision, can they really be described as medically necessary? Let’s discuss why someone might opt ​​for circumcision, either for their young son or personally as an adult.

What is circumcision?

What is circumcision? Well, it’s the surgical removal of the foreskin, the skin that covers the tip of the penis. It is usually done in the first days of a baby boy’s life. The custom that is now considered the current social norm actually originated from multiple religious rites. What used to be done by shamans, priests, rabbis or other spiritual leaders is now being done by doctors in a clinical setting. Although it is impossible to know, the surgery is said to be much less painful for a baby than for an adult man.

Is circumcision necessary? Benefits

There are a number of reasons why a father might opt ​​for circumcision for a son, or an uncircumcised man might decide to go from a turtleneck to a crewneck as an adult.

1) Religious belief. In some religions, circumcision is an important part of affirming one’s faith and commitment. In particular, it is an alliance between man and God. This is mainly seen in Judaism and Islam, but other religions also mention circumcision.

2) Smegma solution. That weird buildup of oil, bacteria, dead skin, and emission, also known as smegma, can lead to a lot of penis problems if it grows too big. It only grows too big when a man doesn’t wash often enough or properly. It can lead to balanitis and other infections and painful conditions such as phimosis, where the foreskin doesn’t retract, and paraphimosis, where it doesn’t come back.

3) Preventive care. Circumcision has been shown to reduce the incidence of penile cancer and urinary tract infections.

4) Diabetes. For some men, diabetes leads to more cases of balanitis and phimosis, so doctors may recommend circumcision.

5) Feelings of Social Belonging and Sexual Acceptance. In the United States, circumcision is more common than an uncircumcised penis. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with an uncircumcised penis, some sexual partners may never have encountered one before and may be confused, concerned about rumors of smegma, or simply not interested. While a circumcision is not necessary in a medical sense, for some men it is in a sexual, social, and emotional sense.

Is circumcision necessary? Nope

There are many reasons why people will say that circumcision is not necessary and should be stopped, except for religious reasons (which are also mocked by some groups). First, there is the simple problem of pain. Men who get circumcised when they are older have more pain and healing takes longer. No one knows how much a baby hurts. Second, the foreskin is there because it has a bodily function. Protects the penis and urinary opening from bacteria, fungi and infections. Finally, with minimal scientifically proven benefits, circumcision raises many ethical concerns and is now linked to practices of genital mutilation, which occur throughout the world for both women and men.

Is circumcision necessary? it’s up to you

There is no good answer when it comes to a circumcised penis versus an uncircumcised penis. It’s a personal choice, and many times a man’s parents make it for him. Regardless of whether a man has a foreskin or not, he still needs to take care of his penis.

In addition to the usual tips like exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, sleeping well, and maintaining a healthy weight, daily grooming and cleaning should also be an important part of penile health.

Gently wash the penis every day with warm water and a mild cleanser. Pat dry (don’t rub!) with a soft towel or air dry if possible. Put an icing on top with a specially formulated penis health cream (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on the skin). By using a cream made specifically for the delicate skin of the penis, a man can protect, rejuvenate, and preserve sensation while fighting bacteria and nerve damage. To do this, he chooses a cream with vitamins A, B, C, D and E, as well as much-needed amino acids like L-arginine and L-carnitine. If he does, he will keep the penis fresh, strong and invigorated.

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