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What actually happens when you neuter your dog is this:

Your dog doesn’t have sex.

Their organs are removed to make male or female hormones.

A male dog loses his testicles and a female dog can lose both her ovaries and uterus or just her uterus.

If she keeps her ovaries, she will still make the hormones, but she won’t be able to have puppies.

Here’s the catch:

An animal’s behavior is influenced by its hormones, which means that a typical male dog’s behavior changes when he no longer receives his dose of testosterone.

Behavioral changes in females are usually less pronounced and go unnoticed.

So what should you expect to happen after castration?

1. Your male dog

During the operation, your veterinarian removes your dog’s testicles. Testosterone production stops immediately, but since there is still some testosterone circulating in your dog’s body, you won’t notice the change right away.

This also means that he can still mate with a female dog for a while.


  • After a few weeks, you notice that he is less interested in the dogs now, he no longer cares about sniffing around their backs. He also doesn’t wander off to meet dogs that are in season.
  • It can stop marking its territory, which means that it is not as territorial as before.
  • Usually her behavior towards other males changes, she doesn’t feel the need to impress them as much as before nor does she feel the need to establish dominance over them.
  • It is for this reason that many veterinarians advise owners of aggressive dogs to neuter them as a first step.


  • Other males no longer recognize him as a male partner, this may have to do with the simple fact that he doesn’t smell like a male dog due to his lack of testosterone.
  • Because of this, other males start to sniff him a lot and will hump him whenever possible. This can put your dog under great stress, especially since the dominant males will really try. They will not bite you, but treat you as if you were a female in heat.
  • This can be very upsetting for both you and your dog.
  • If you want your dog to display behavior patterns typical of male dogs, it would not be a good idea to spay him.
  • Depending on how you feed it, you may gain weight, as your activity level and metabolism rate also depend on your hormonal status.

2. Your bitch


  • It won’t come in season anymore, which means you don’t have to take care of it twice a year.
  • There will be no more men showing up at your front door.
  • There will be no more blood stains on your carpet.
  • Your dog will no longer have false pregnancies and will not develop those dangerous infections of the uterus that can cause serious damage.
  • Many bitches seem much more lively and cheerful after being paid.


  • Recovery from surgery may take some time.
  • Sometimes the bladder muscle is injured during the operation, which can cause you to leak small drops of urine.
  • Her metabolism rate may slow down and she may gain weight.
  • His fur can change in such a way that he has softer and fluffier hair. This may not look as good as its original fur.
  • Some researchers point to the danger of it being less friendly to puppies, but I’ve never actually experienced this happening.

In female dogs, the pros of neutering seem to outweigh the cons because neutering actually protects your dog from a very serious health hazard, namely pyometra.

In a male dog there is no such health hazard and neutering him comes at the cost of being severely harassed by other males.

If, on the other hand, your dog is a bully and you feel like you can’t handle his behavior, neutering him can make things easier for you and other dog owners.

But you should be aware that the brain is sexed long before birth and if your dog has really gotten into the habit of being aggressive towards others, neutering alone may not make him any less likely to fight.

For me, neutering your dog is still a matter of personal taste. Many people are happy to put up with a female dog in heat twice a year, while others are not, just as many people wish they had a complete male instead of an unsexed one.

If you ask your heart, you will surely discover what is best for you and your dog.

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