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Why are more people with jobs working from home now than ever before? Technology never seems to slow down and it was only a few years ago, about eight to be exact, that Hear Me and ICQ allowed people to connect to the web to communicate with text and audio. Conceived. No long distance charges. A simple internet connection and a microphone and you were connected to the world. Say goodbye to long distance charges!

It was the beginning of the creation of technologies like desktop sharing and video that make today’s virtual office a reality. Let’s face it, you can do everything from home except shake hands with your boss. Face-to-face video conferencing, desktop sharing and presentation software, iPhone, Blackberry, and 3G Internet connections all, almost without exception, take their office with them wherever they go, 24/7 . Employers smile at the idea of ​​their employees taking care of business outside of working hours.

I’m not sure about you, but when I was an employee and technology was introduced to the workplace, I inadvertently allowed my job to interfere with my home life. It was no longer necessary for me to go through the paper filing system to prepare for a client review. Everything was available to me and my employer made sure that I had the computer, internet connections and access to all of our clients’ files on a virtual server.

Let’s face it, we all thought it was for the best. I could connect the computer to the phone line, dial a number, enter a password, and bingo. I have access to the files at the head office. He wanted to work for free just to show people how cool he was. Soon the novelty wore off and I started thinking… WORKS, I work from home! I started thinking that if I could work from home for work, I could certainly find a way to work from home for myself. After all, I had this awesome laptop to use and all the professional software to get the job done. You already knew how to market to an offline audience and with today’s technology, marketing to an online audience is almost child’s play.

You can literally get everything you need to do in four hours a week and replace that crazy work-at-home income! All you really need is a passion for success, finding the right mentor, and following the simple steps they followed to find easy money online.

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