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How can you use the Law of Attraction to create an ideal relationship? Well, first of all, this is one of the most natural ways to use the law, since attracting love into your life is really the foundation for all other types of attraction. When we think of love, we usually think of romantic relationships, but in reality all we want ends up being love, whether it relates to our health, finances, career, or friendships. I mention this not to distract you from your goal of finding a happy relationship, but to set the stage for you to be in a more magnetic state to attract this.

It may be a self-help book cliché now, but the truth is that your primary relationship is with yourself. No matter how close you are to another, you are with yourself every minute of your life! When you think about it this way, do you think how you feel about yourself can be important? It’s actually the foundation of how you interact with the rest of the world, which, in turn, largely determines how others respond to you.

If you create a loving relationship with yourself, not based on greed or narcissism, but on a sense of your basic worth and connection, you can begin to interact more smoothly with your environment. This is not something you do as a separate exercise. It’s just a basic issue to keep in mind throughout your life.

The next stage (although all the “stages” can occur at the same time or in any order) is to focus on the relationship with another person you want to attract. You can improve your existing relationships or attract new ones. The most important thing you can do in this regard is to focus on what you are posting or sending to others, rather than what you can get or receive. This is not to say that you should let others

take advantage of you, but you should approach relationships from the point of view of giving first. This doesn’t just apply to people you’re in an intimate relationship with, but also someone you’ve just met.

Giving in this sense does not mean material things, but energy and emotion. Just as, if you are in business, you do best by thinking about what you can provide for your employer or client, so in relationships, you are most magnetic when you are a powerful *source* of love and energy. Many people tend to hold back in this regard, fearful that what they send will not be returned in kind. The fact is that love is an infinite resource, so it doesn’t make a difference. If you make an effort to reach out and it’s not appreciated, you haven’t lost anything (as long as you realize this!). On the other hand, more often than not, you will find that the energy you send out will be returned in kind.

The final “stage” (first is to love yourself, second is to have a generous attitude) is to have an image of what you want to attract. Not a specific person (because you can’t use the Law of Attraction to force another person to get something, be it love or material things), but the type of person and relationship. You can use an affirmation to help you with this, as in…

“I am now attracting a happy relationship with a (man or woman) with (essential qualities) into my life.”

Hold the image and repeat the affirmation, but keep the first two “rules” in mind and don’t expect Mr. or Mrs. Perfect to show up on your doorstep right away (although it could happen). If you live with a positive, loving and giving attitude, and hold an image of who you want to attract, the Law of Attraction will definitely deliver it to you!

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