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If your child or loved one came to you and asked you the following question, what would your honest answers be: Are you holy, spotless, and without blemish? Well, I know myself very well and, unfortunately, I wouldn’t know how to answer yes to any of the three. I suspect that, like all of us, you too would have to put your head down and say no, we didn’t make it.

At some point during the day we make the wrong decision and fail miserably.

But when God looks at me and you, he sees us all as holy, spotless, and without blemish. He does not see my ungodly actions, my shortcomings, or the need to reproach me. All because of the death of Jesus on the cross. His blood that was spoiled made it possible for God to see us differently.

22But now, giving himself completely on the Cross, truly dying for you, Christ took you to God’s side and put your lives together, whole and holy, in his presence. You don’t walk away from a gift like that! You stay grounded and firm in that bond of trust…

The King James Version puts it so beautifully: twenty-oneAnd you, who once were enemies and enemies in your understanding because of evil deeds, he has now reconciled 22 in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy, blameless and blameless before him…

God sees you as holy. He sees you without blemish. He sees your impeccable works. But honestly, I want to call Paul and tell him, no, you don’t know Gert. My life is not like that, oh no! He walks with me for a day or two, then you will see all the unholiness in my life. You will see all the imperfections of my actions and that I often deserve to be held accountable.

And then Paul’s words echo in my head: Jesus came to make peace between you and God. God sees me as holy, spotless, and spotless. That is all. It doesn’t matter what your past is. It doesn’t matter what you think of yourself. It doesn’t even matter what the reality is. God sees you differently.

It doesn’t really make sense to me, because it’s beyond my comprehension. Yes, I’m only human and I don’t always understand how God works. He is on another level.

But… it is the truth and we, the people, must understand it. The shed blood of Jesus makes us blameless before God. We no longer need to be scolded for the bad things we did. We no longer need to be punished for our sin, because Jesus was already punished for it.

Wow, are you also overwhelmed with gratitude? Do you also want to do something now to show how grateful you are for God’s intervention in our lives? Well, then it’s probably a good idea to start living exactly as God sees us, holy, blameless, spotless. And by the way, the King James Version talks about us now being blameless. We must live in such a way that we cannot be blamed for bad deeds.

May we all try to live the way God sees us. Let others look at us and see that we are holy, spotless, and unspotted by sin.

Holy Scripture

Colossians 1:21-23


Do you see yourself as holy, without blemish and without blemish?

What did Jesus accomplish?

How can you change your life so that you can live more holy, spotless, and spotless?


Our Father and Jesus Christ, I don’t understand everything. I cannot understand that you see me holy, without stain and impeccable. I know that it is the blood of Jesus that did this. Therefore, I have to put my life in order. Please give me the strength and wisdom to live it. Amen.

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