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Gyms can be expensive. And discomfort. How many times have you skipped a workout just because you couldn’t find the time to pack a bag and drive to your local gym? And if you travel? If your exercise routine depends on having access to a gym, then you often find yourself in places where you miss workouts because you don’t have access to a facility. Gym workouts can be effective, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a good home workout available for those times when you’re on the road or just can’t find the time to hit the club?

Portability is one of the key benefits of an effective home workout. It works for you wherever you are, whether you’re in a hotel room, in your studio, or on the beach. The key is to develop a routine that uses bodyweight exercises to work the major muscles of the body. Gym rats will tell you that it takes working with free weights and machines to build muscle and stamina. They will say that without weight-based resistance training, you really can’t exert enough force to stimulate muscle growth. This is not true.

Body weight is actually a superior form of resistance to use for exercise. Using bodyweight exercises you can emphasize the core muscles of the body. Wall pushups, basic pushups, and trunk twists are examples of bodyweight exercises that work key core muscle groups. muscle groups together in a coordinated manner.

This builds “real world” strength and stamina. What is the “real world” force? Real-world strength, coordination, and stamina are what you need to perform real-world tasks. Performing a set of triceps pushups can develop a great pair of pistols (arms), but what real-world practical tasks are made easier by having big triceps? Big triceps won’t help much when it comes to swinging a tennis racket, lifting a heavy box, or pushing a couch down a flight of stairs.

Gym exercises tend to focus on movements that isolate specific muscles. This is great for bodybuilders and athletes in particular sports, but for the rest of us, a good workout at home can build general core, practical strength, body coordination, and flexibility. It’s this type of fitness that will help your golf game, improve your stamina on the course, and make it easier for you to carry a sofa up a flight of stairs.

A good home workout doesn’t rely on confusing weights, machines, or elastic bands (although they can be added for extra variety). A good home workout is portable. An effective home workout will work all of your core muscles and help you build real-world strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Do you want to get in shape? Do you want the strength of the real world? Do you want a workout that accompanies you wherever you go? Check out this highly recommended home workout [] Program.

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