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We all know that vinyl siding is a great option for the home due to its low maintenance and longevity. But that doesn’t mean it’s totally lacking in basic maintenance needs or steps to take to make sure it looks its best. Some of the common problems that one might deal with are cracks, punctures, or maybe moving away from the house.

Fortunately, these proactive measures don’t require a lot of skill or a toolbox full of special tools.

Tips for maintaining vinyl siding

1. Be sure to keep all bushes around the house trimmed so branches can’t puncture or scratch the siding. Failure to do so will result in the siding coating being scratched, nicked, or punctured, making the siding susceptible to mold and mildew.

2. It doesn’t matter what kind of siding you have in your home. It is important to spend time cleaning it, at least once a year. With vinyl, you can do this using a soft scrubbing brush, soapy water, and a water hose to rinse. Yes, you can use a pressure washer, but be sure to keep it on the lowest setting and be careful not to use excessive force.

3. In case you discover dents, punctures or scratches, replace the part as soon as possible. When doing this, be sure to use a liner removal tool to avoid damaging surrounding liner pieces.

4. Take the time to clean your gutters, especially during the spring and fall or after a heavy storm, as this will help keep the liner clean and prevent the risk of damage to the liner.

It’s also worth noting that while most people choose to have vinyl siding in a color they like, if you buy a house with siding in a color you don’t like, it can be painted. It will take two coats of 100% latex paint and the paint will need to be reapplied every couple of years to always look good.

Maintaining your vinyl siding is not a full-time job, but it does require occasional repairs or cleaning. Don’t assume that your home’s siding is a single aspect of the property. Take time throughout the year to make sure your siding lasts as long (if not longer) than you were promised at installation. If you’re new to vinyl, be sure to talk to a local siding company and find out what they recommend for your particular type and style of home siding.

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