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Social networking sites are all the rage today. These sites are more popular among young people than ever. Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other. Sharing photos and videos are very attractive features of social networking sites. Some of the best social networking sites are Facebook, Myspace, Orkut, and Google Buzz. These sites are some of the most visited sites on the Internet. The most popular social networking site is Facebook.

This social networking site was launched in February 2004. In less than a decade, it has built a strong presence on the Internet. Today it has more than 800 million users. That makes it a very successful company. It also makes it perfect for advertising. Mark Zuckerburg has become the youngest billionaire at the tender age of twenty-seven. He owns most of the networking site and is the founder of Facebook. Therefore, any association with Facebook Pages could be potentially beneficial to you. In other words, Facebook has great potential to generate income if used in the right way.

Use of Facebook advertising

Remember the goose that laid the golden eggs! Well, Facebook is the goose that lays the golden eggs. You can use it to earn money. Use it as a means to advertise your products and link to your website to drive traffic to your site. How do you do that? There are some interesting ways to use Facebook advertising to your advantage. Consider the following:

• Use your Facebook account to advertise your products to the world on your profile page. Create a great looking and attractive profile page.

• Put links to your website or blog on your profile page.

• Explore the different groups on Facebook and make as many people as possible your friends. Allow your friends to see and use the links on your website. Promote your site to your friends and ask them to place a link pointing to your site on their Facebook pages.

• Use contextual advertising on Facebook. This is similar to the use of Google advertising. Your ads will appear on Facebook pages. This will generate traffic to your site or blog. However, this can cost a bit of money. You should be prepared to spend some money on contextual advertising on Facebook.

• You can upload videos on your Facebook page. Let these videos be advertising videos for your business. This will also give you a high-quality backlink to your videos on your website or blog.

• Give your Facebook page a meaningful title and make sure you have an eye-catching photo to hook first-time visitors. They may want to become friends and you can use that to your advantage.

There are countless ways to exploit Facebook Pages for your advertising needs. Be innovative and the sky is the limit. Don’t get bogged down in traditional ways of thinking when it comes to Facebook. Remember that the magic number is 800 million. That’s how many people you can reach if you advertise correctly on Facebook. Think about what you can do for your business. Above all, think about what it will do to your bank account!

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