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Melissa was very excited because that Tuesday afternoon she was going to the zoo. She really likes animals, especially birds.

He never tires of looking, talking and playing with his favorite bird in that zoo: the canary. The canary is a small finch or tiny bird species that is native to the Canary Islands.

Canary birds are yellow to greenish in color and have long been bred by people and bird collectors around the world as cage birds.

Returning to Melissa, happiness with the canaries should not be her thing because after an hour, a strong malaise began to ruin her spirits. She started coughing and itching until she couldn’t take it anymore.

Subsequently, the doctor who attended her concluded that she has, yes, you are right, an allergy to the canary.

What is a canary allergy?

Allergy to canaries is no different from the usual allergy to birds. It is caused by your body’s immune system’s retaliatory or defensive reaction to bird or canary allergens that pass through your system through feather dust or dander and through droppings or fecal matter.

Since canaries are cage birds that cannot fly freely, expect their feathers to be heavily laden with these irritating dusts that can cause allergic reactions.

Exposure to canary bird dusts and allergens will cause bird allergy symptoms within minutes, hours, or very rarely days, making diagnosis difficult unless the patient provides the information.

Canary allergy symptoms

Like bird allergy, canary allergy is also characterized by simple allergic reactions or symptoms including postnasal drip, nasal congestion, hives, coughing, itchy eyes, sneezing, watery or watery eyes, and sore throat. .

Canary allergies may not be that fatal, but the appearance of its symptoms is sure to cause great discomfort to the patient. Failure to treat or treat severe attacks or symptoms can also lead to serious complications that can be fatal or life-threatening if left untreated or unattended.

In very sensitive people, allergy to the canary is also accompanied by fever and chills.

Canary Allergy Treatment

Canary allergy is a chronic attack that can stop on its own even without taking any medication. In most cases, the simple treatment recommended for people exhibiting canary allergy symptoms is to have that person move further away from or away from canary birds.

It is a practical treatment because constant and continued exposure to the bird that causes the allergy will surely prevent the appearance of the allergic reaction.

Doctors also prescribe small doses of antihistamines (medications that treat simple allergies), decongestants (medications that unblock respiratory areas or treat swollen nasal areas), and corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory medications).

Avoid allergy to the canary

Hygiene, of course, is the most basic and effective measure to counter possible allergy attacks to canaries. Always wash your hands, even if you are not eating. Clean the surroundings and make sure there are no feathers or canary droppings around, especially if you have these birds at home.

If you are allergic to canary birds, as well as if you have allergies to other substances, make sure to always keep your room well ventilated by opening the windows or turning on the air conditioners at an optimal temperature.

If you have canaries at home and you have no way to throw them away, there are measures that can help you avoid the appearance of canary allergy. First, make sure the canaries’ cage is clean and tidy.

Do not overcrowd the cage as this will cause the canaries to fight and play often, spreading their feathers.

Make sure the area of ​​the house where the canary bird cage is placed is well ventilated. Purchase an air purification system to ensure that the air you breathe in your home is free of any allergens that could trigger another canary allergy attack.

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