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PayPal is the world’s most trusted online fund transfer system. It acts as an intermediary between people and organizations that will make payments for services received on the Internet. PayPal is essential to get around your business online. There are many people who are wary of credit card payments on the Internet due to a history of fraud. With PayPal, the payment funds your PayPal account from your bank account and then transfers the payment via email to the payee.

There are many ways to earn money online, from writing articles for websites like eHow, Helium, EzineArticles, to online surveys, to marketing ads, and many more. Some of the sites worth visiting are:

Ipsos I say

Global testing market

National Consumer Panel


The following guidelines might be helpful on how to earn money online.

· First, you will need a PayPal account. The procedure for registering an account is completely free. Through this account, you can have the money you have made online deposited into your bank account instantly. PayPal works like a normal bank on the Internet, with the main difference that it is incredibly economical and efficient.

· So how do you make money with PayPal? Many times people simply earn money through other means on the Internet as mentioned above, writing, doing surveys, making advertisements, among others. PayPal also has promotions that allow you to earn money from the referrals you make to new customers. This could lead to sweepstakes competition and cash jackpots. Check the PayPal website for this.

In the process of searching for websites that can generate income online, you need to be very careful. Read the end user agreements for these sites and make sure they are legitimate. Many cases of fraud and scams take place on the Internet. Look for member review websites that will review these sites. You will definitely have people who have used these sites and are willing to share information about how your transactions with these companies ended.


Earning money online does not require excessive capital. As long as you have an internet connection and a good computer, you’re good to go. Also, PayPal is cheap and makes online financial transactions easy.


The internet is rife with fraud, and sometimes you can work for a company only to find out it was a scam and they won’t pay you.

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