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Vitamins and minerals are substances found in the food we eat. Our body needs them to function properly, so you grow and develop as you should. A vitamin is a nutrient that is an organic compound required in small amounts for essential metabolic reactions in a living organism.

Our body is a powerful machine, capable of doing all kinds of things by itself. But one thing it can’t do is make vitamins. That’s where the food comes in. Our body can get the vitamins it needs from the food we eat because different foods contain different vitamins. The key is to eat different foods to get a variety of vitamins. Although some children take a daily vitamin, most children do not need it if they are eating a variety of healthy foods.

But in large doses, some vitamins have documented side effects that tend to be more severe with higher doses. The chance of consuming too much of any vitamin from food is remote, but an overdose of vitamin supplements does occur. In high enough doses, some vitamins cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. When side effects do arise, recovery is often achieved by reducing the dosage. The vitamin concentrations that an individual can tolerate vary widely and appear to be related to age and health status. So be wise to consume the vitamins.

The vitamins we need to stay healthy are:

Vitamin A This is for normal cell divisions, healthy eyesight and mucous membranes, the immune system. We can get it from fatty fish, butter, cheese, carrots, apricots, green leafy vegetables, mangoes, red peppers.

B vitamins. All are needed to release energy from food and have other key functions as well.

Thiamine (B1). Need for carbohydrate metabolism. We can obtain it from bread and products derived from cereals, potatoes, pork, liver, nuts and legumes.

Riboflavin (B2). To release and support the role of other B vitamins. We can get it from milk and dairy products, eggs, meat, breakfast cereals.

Folic acid. For cell division and the formation of DNA and proteins in the body; It can help reduce the risk of heart disease. We can get it from leafy vegetables, liver, whole grains, nuts and legumes. Try to eat more foods with this vital vitamin.

vitamin B6. This is for protein metabolism. We can get it from meat, fish, eggs, soybeans, oats, and nuts.

B12 vitamin. For the metabolism and maintenance of nerve cells. We can get it from meat and fish in the diet, also produced by bacteria in the intestine.

Vitamin C. A powerful antioxidant; It is also necessary for healthy gums, teeth, bones, and skin, and for wound healing. Helps iron absorption. We can get it from fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, potatoes, green vegetables, kiwis, black currants.

Vitamin D. For healthy bones and teeth, calcium cannot be absorbed without it. We can get it from the sun, oily fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel), fortified margarines.

Vitamin E An antioxidant that may protect against various diseases related to aging. We can get it from vegetable oils, wheat germ, nuts, seeds, margarine.

vitamin k Vitamin K is the master of fabric! Do you remember the last time we cut ourselves? Our blood did something special called coagulation. This is when certain cells in our blood act like glue, sticking to the surface of the cut to help stop the bleeding. We can get it from green leafy vegetables, dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, broccoli, and soybean oil.

When our body gets this vitamin and the others it needs, we will feel good!

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